Model............................ Amada Type B
Repeatability.................... L Axis +/- 0.0004 inches
Movement Range
X Axis........................... 27.5/37.5 inches
R Axis........................... 9.84 inches
Z Axis........................... 94 inches
Feed Speed
X Axis........................... 19.5 inches per second
R Axis........................... 6.2 inches per second
Z Axis........................... 39.3 inches per second
Minimum Command Unit............. 0.0001 inch
CNC Controller
Model............................ Amada OPERATEUR
Axes of Control.................. 7 standard
Y1Y2 Ram depth
X1X2 Backgauge
Z1Z2 Horizontal finger position of two stoppers
R Vertical finger position of two stoppers
Input Method..................... Keyboard, 3.5" diskette and RS232
Display.......................... 12" Color VGA
Program Storage.................. 60 in active memory plus 30 on diskette
Bends per Program................ 25
Die Library...................... 70 dies
Punch Library.................... 30 punches